
Review on “Sick Kids charity campaign closes”

This is a current event which was reported on Friday, 5 March 2010. The title is “Sick Kids charity campaign closes”, which indicates the main content of this news clearly and generally. It is easy and quick for those readers who usually scan over the topic to know the news. Also, this is a good way to make people understood the whole passage generally.

The first paragraph with black body shows us that it is important and worth reading. The 25words has told readers what happened, which is the key point and why it happened simply. A picture is showed to us accompanying with the whole passage. The major character has visualized in the picture to let readers know further.

The content of the online news is about the New Pyjamas campaign’s closing due to the investigation, and the result is that all 10 New Pyjamas staff will be made redundant. The key point of the whole story is that “the campaign would be unable to meet this target as costs were running far in excess of income”.

The structure is not good, although the content is full enough. Several of the quotes from the main characters are going through the whole page. It may cause the disorder when the readers are reading it. The summary and narration of the reporter are much fewer than the quotes.

The related links have added the goods for the online news. Because there are no more than 30 online pages can be get access to by the readers. The links are divided into several parts. It is worth mentioning that the related online pages are attractive to readers from different parts of the world, or are interested in kinds of charity events.

In a whole, this article doesn’t work effectively. If you are interested in this article, please


